Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Coding Guidelines

Ian Hellström


To enable database developers on the same team to read one another’s code more easily, and to have consistency in the code produced and to be maintained, a set of coding guidelines and standards is provided. The guidelines described in this document have been borrowed heavily from Steven Feuerstein’s Ideas for Oracle PL/SQL Naming Conventions and Coding Standards, TopCoder’s Oracle PL/SQL Coding Guidelines, Jonathan Ingram’s SQL and PL/SQL Coding Standards, and a 2008 white paper by Bryn Llewellyn entitled Doing SQL from PL/SQL: Best and Worst Practices.

Source Control

All database objects have to be placed in a repository with revision control. Each entity has its own file.

By entity we mean a unit of code that belongs together. For instance, a package or object body and all its members form one entity. The package specification or object definition is another entity. A table, constraints on its columns, and related indexes are a single entity. Comments on the table and its columns are a separate entity though.

By grouping entities in separate files it is easy to navigate through the folder structure of the repository, run scripts against individual entities and objects, and create, compile, or alter individual components.

Each file name is derived from a file prefix that based on the entity type it defines, the name of the entity itself, and a corresponding file extension:


Wrapped entities are indicated by WRAP appended to the file prefix. The prefix appendage WRAP is thus optional. For example, PACKAGE WRAP - utilities.pkb is the wrapped package body of the utilities package. The (unwrapped) source of that particular package body is of course also available in the repository and called PACKAGE - utilities.pkb.

The list of file prefixes and file extensions for the different entity types is shown below.

Entity type File prefix File extension
SQL code: comments (on a table or view, and its columns) COMMENT sql
SQL code: directories DIR sql
SQL code: database links LINK sql
SQL code: sequence SEQUENCE sql
SQL code: synonym(s) SYNONYM sql
SQL object (DDL): table (incl. indexes and constraints) TABLE sql
SQL object (DDL): view VIEW sql
SQL object (DDL): materialized view (incl. indexes and constraints) MATVIEW sql
SQL (object) type TYPE sql
PL/SQL function FUNCTION pls
PL/SQL procedure PROCEDURE pls
PL/SQL package specification PACKAGE pks
PL/SQL package body PACKAGE pkb
PL/SQL queue QUEUE pls
PL/SQL scheduler definitions SCHEDULER pls
PL/SQL script SCRIPT pls
PL/SQL trigger TRIGGER pls

These prefixes may also be turned into a folder structure, where the folders are pluralized. For example, packages for the folder that contains all packages.

Out-of-code documentation is also included in the source code repository. A human-readable markup language/syntax, such as LaTeX, Markdown, or reStructuredText, is recommended as it too allows revision control on the source files. The file prefix for such documentation is DOC. The file extension depends on the markup language being used by all team members.

For large code bases it is recommended that these file prefixes be turned into folders and the hyphen (incl. surrounding spaces) be dropped from the files contained in these folders.

Plural vs Singular

Objects that contain multiple pieces of the same type of information, such as tables and collections, are pluralized. A single row of such a pluralized object is singular. Likewise, a column or record is singular.

For instance, we may have the employees table or the employees_ntt nested table type. A local (variable) that is an instance of the type employees_ntt is called l_employees. A single row in a PL/SQL subprogram is named l_employee. More details on the naming conventions shown (esp. the l_ prefix and _ntt suffix) can be found below.

Whenever a variable (in PL/SQL) inherits the data type(s) with the %TYPE or %ROWTYPE attribute, the local identifier reflects the original name’s grammatical number. For example,

l_salary     employees.salary%TYPE;
l_employees  employees%ROWTYPE; 

Style and Formatting Rules


All built-in and reserved keywords and subprograms (e.g. packaged functions and procedures) are written in upper case. Application-specific identifiers are written in lower case to make it easier to identify the different components.

Names and Word Separators

Object identifiers have to be self-explanatory; display_full_call_stack is to be preferred to disp_fl_cl_stck or something along these lines. If abbreviations have to be used because the identifiers are otherwise too long, stick to standard abbreviations (e.g. the ones already present in the data dictionary: “tab” for table, “privs” for privileges, etc.), and do not use the same abbreviation for different purposes. Please add any domain-specific abbreviations to the table below.

Abbreviation Explanation
dict dictionary
obj object
proc procedure
privs privileges
tab table (or view)

Words or abbreviations in any identifier are separated by an underscore, like so: display_call_stack. This is done to avoid ‘API rate sheet’ being read as ‘A PIrate sheet’; thanks to Baron Schwartz for the fun, real-world example.

Line Width and Line Breaks

The maximum line width is 120 characters.

Line breaks are added after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and so on, before a comma in a SELECT-list, before AND or OR in the JOIN or WHERE clause, and before the closing semicolon of a SQL statement. A line break before commas in the SELECT list makes commenting out all but the very first line so much easier in development. In case a long line spills over try to break the code up in natural pieces:

, e.first_name
, AVG(d.salary)
           ORDER BY ... ) AS avg_salary
  employees e
  departments d
  e.department = d.department

Line breaks are also added before and after THEN in conditional blocks and LOOP in loops (see below for an example):

IF l_salary > g_max_salary
  l_salary_exceeds_maximum := TRUE;
  l_salary_exceeds_maximum := FALSE;

Conditional blocks that only assign Booleans, as the one shown, are best written as follows:

l_salary_exceeds_maximum := ( l_salary > g_max_salary ); 

The parentheses are optional but may be added for additional clarity.

Column aliases are always specified with AS. The keyword is technically optional but it makes making mistakes (such as forgetting or overlooking a comma) so much easier to spot.

Indentation and Alignment

All code is aligned at the left. Application-specific identifiers in SQL statements (as shown before) and blocks in PL/SQL are indented by two spaces:

..l_output  VARCHAR2(20) := 'Hello, Oracle!';
..FOR iteration IN 1..10
  ..DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(l_output || ' - ' || iteration);

IS vs AS

SQL and PL/SQL are both programming languages. As such, it is important to write not only syntactically correct sentences but also legible sentences.

When you create an object, use AS. When you define a member function (of an object or package), use IS. The difference becomes obvious when you read the statements as ordinary English sentences. In the former case, IS does not create a normal sentence. AS is likewise not entirely without its problems in the latter.

Example AS:

END package_name;

Example IS:

  FUNCTION member_function
  END member_function;

END package_name;

Join Syntax

In all instances is the ANSI syntax (i.e. [ INNER ] JOIN or { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER ] JOIN) to be preferred. Here, square brackets indicate optional keywords, and curly braces indicate mandatory keywords of which one of the options presented has to be supplied.

The deprecated (+) syntax and/or comma-separated lists in the FROM clause with corresponding join predicates in the WHERE clause are to be avoided completely.

Constraints and Indexes

Named constraints are required for primary keys, foreign keys, and check constraints. The type of constraint is appended as a suffix to the identifier, which itself is either the table name or the table name and table that is referenced (for a foreign-key constraint) or the column(s) that are involved in the constraint definition (for a check constraint).


ALTER TABLE employees
  ADD CONSTRAINT employees_pk
  PRIMARY KEY (employee_id);

ALTER TABLE employees
  ADD CONSTRAINT employees_departments_fk
  FOREIGN KEY employees(department_id)
  REFERENCES departments(department_id);

ALTER TABLE employees
  ADD CONSTRAINT employees_salary_ck
  CHECK (salary > 0);

When multiple columns are involved in a check constraint, an appropriate abbreviation may be used.

Indexes are also to be named. Their suffix is _ix. For instance,

CREATE INDEX employees_id_names_ix(employee_id, last_name, first_name);

CREATE INDEX emp_id_lname_fname_ix(employee_id, last_name, first_name); 


In-code documentation is automatically generated with PLDoc, which requires the headers of entities and objects to follow certain rules.

The header for package specifications follows the AS in CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] PACKAGE package_name AS and

 * Project:       The project's name or identifier
 * Compatibility: Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and above
 * Author(s):     John Doe
 *                Jane Roe
 * Notes:         Add appropriate notes about the package's intended use
 *                or any restrictions that developers and users ought to
 *                be aware of
 * @headcom

A template for a function, procedure, type, or subtype’s header is as follows:

/** A brief description of what the PL/SQL module does. This should not be longer
 * than a paragraph of 3-5 lines. Only the first sentence will end up becoming the
 * summary for the generated documentation.
 * NB: Add important notes where appropriate. In case you need a line break use the
 * HTML <br/> tag.
 * @param  formal_parameter_name  a short description of the formal parameter
 * @throws exception_name         a short description of when the exception is thrown
 * @return                        a short description of the RETURN value (only for functions)

When these definitions are inside a package the header is to be added before the definition. For standalone modules (i.e. functions and procedures), the comment is placed after the AS that defines the module.

Naming Conventions

The following table lists the various elements in PL/SQL code and how they ought to be named. Some of the elements can be defined at the schema level (SQL) too, for instance object types.

Element Model Example(s)
Local variable l_<identifier> l_employee_salary
Local constant c_<identifier> c_max_salary
Global variable (defined in a package) g_<identifier> g_manager_salary
Global constant (defined in a package) gc_<identifier> gc_max_manager_salary
Types based on database columns with %TYPE <scope*>_<identifier>_t hire_date_t
Subtypes of built-in types <scope*>_<identifier>_t string_t
Explicit cursor <scope*>_<identifier>_cur employees_cur
Referenced cursor type <scope*>_<identifier>_ct employees_ct
Cursor variable <scope>_<identifier>_cv l_employees_cv
Record type <scope*>_<identifier>_rt department_rt
Record variable <scope>_<identifier>_rec l_department_rec
Associative-array (collection) type <scope*>_<identifier>_aat managers_aat
Nested-table (collection) type <scope*>_<identifier>_ntt managers_ntt
Variable array (collection) type <scope*>_<identifier>_vat managers_vat
Collection variable <scope>_<identifier> l_managers
Object type <identifier>_ot sales_stats_ot
IN parameter <identifier>_in employee_id_in
OUT parameter <identifier>_out employee_id_out
IN OUT parameter <identifier>_io employee_id_io
Storage table (CREATE TABLE ... STORE AS) <identifier>_st current_projects_st

The difference between <scope> and <scope*> is that the former is always required whereas the latter is only required when not defined globally in a package (specification). For instance, when we define an associative-array type in the package specification, we simply call it employees_aat although g_employees_aat would be acceptable too. If, however, we define it in the body and it is only accessible to the package (or even a subprogram), then we call it l_employees_aat to make it clear that it is local to our package or PL/SQL module. <scope*> applies to column-based types, subtypes, collection types, and cursor definitions yet not cursor or record variables.

In itself, we could call cursor variables, which are derived from referenced cursor types, the same as explicit cursors as they behave in similar ways. However, we want to emphasize that cursor variables do not refer to a single, static SQL statement, both explicit and implicit, but can and typically will be reused, repurposed, or passed as arguments to subprograms. Our naming conventions do not distinguish between strong referenced cursors (i.e. defined with a RETURN clause) and weak referenced cursors (i.e. defined without a RETURN clause) though.

For the record, associative arrays or index-by tables are defined by means of TABLE OF ... INDEX BY. They are may be sparse and they are not persistent, that is they are not stored in the database but they can be used in packages or locally in functions and procedures. Nested tables, declared with TABLE OF, and variable arrays, declared with VARRAY OF, are both persistent. In both persistent collection types, the order is preserved and they are dense. Variable arrays have a maximum size. Both have the EXTEND method. Object types are defined with CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT.

PL/SQL Modules

Initialization and Defaults

By default, all variables are initialized to NULL in PL/SQL. However, we recommend that all variables be initialized to NULL in the declaration section explicitly, just to make it clear that the ‘uninitialized’ case is covered. This is not necessary when variables are clearly initialized in the main block of a module.

Default parameters need to be specified where applicable. They can be specified with := or DEFAULT. The former is to be preferred as it is shorter.

All PL/SQL functions, procedures, and packages are created by default as definer-rights modules (AUTHID DEFINER) instead of invoker-rights modules (AUTHID CURRENT_USER). All PL/SQL modules require the AUTHID clause, even when the default AUTHID DEFINER is implied. The reason for this rule is that it forces developers to carefully think about the implications, and it makes the original intentions clearer to all members of the team.

Qualified Identifiers

All column and variable names in SQL statements inside PL/SQL code have to be fully qualified to avoid clashes when the data model evolves and includes (new) columns with the same identifiers as the variable names in PL/SQL.


Functions should not contain OUT or IN OUT parameters: whatever needs to be returned must be returned from the RETURN statement.

Function Calls

Functions and procedures called by other subprograms must use the named parameter notation (i.e. with formal_parameter => actual_parameter). This notation avoid problems when the order of formal parameters in interfaces changes.

Custom parameterless functions or procedures that are called have empty parentheses added (e.g. max_salary()) to distinguish between a function or procedure call and a variable.


Results from a cursor are fetched into cursor records, not into multiple variables. This makes the code more robust in the face of future changes.

Single-row fetches are done in one step with an embedded (SELECT ... INTO) statement or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ... INTO when dynamic SQL is called for.

When many rows are to be selected and the result set may have an arbitrary number of records, process the rows in batches using FETCH ... BULK COLLECT INTO ... LIMIT. The value for the LIMIT clause ought to be defined as a CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER. That way, a variable-size array can be used to fetch the records into. When, however, many rows are to be selected but the result set is of manageable maximum size, fetch all rows in a single step, that is, without the LIMIT option. In any case, use an explicit cursor when embedded SQL suffices; when it does not, use a cursor variable.

Always use FORALL instead of a cursor FOR loop when only one particular INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement needs to be performed on a data set.

Static vs Dynamic SQL

Embedded (static) SQL statements require aliases for all items in the FROM-list. Each column has to be dot-qualified with the appropriate alias. Oracle-supplied objects (e.g. DBMS_SQL) must be dot-qualified with the owner (i.e. SYS.DBMS_SQL) to avoid potential invalidation due to name clashes.

Native dynamic SQL (NDS) is to be preferred to the DBMS_SQL API whenever dynamic SQL is required; NDS must not be used when the SQL statement is (defined as a) constant when the statement is a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, or anonymous block. Furthermore, when using dynamic SQL, avoid concatenating literals. Instead, use bind variables to minimize both the number of hard parses and the risk of SQL injection. With regard to SQL injection, use DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_LITERAL and the like to safeguard against it.

Similarly, never concatenate elements of an IN-list whose size is only known at runtime. Instead, populate a collection with values and use the TABLE expression to generate the IN-list as follows:

WHERE col_name IN ( SELECT col_value FROM TABLE( collection_with_values ) )

This collection must be defined at the schema level.

If, on the one hand, the SELECT-list is known at compile time, use DBMS_SQL.TO_REFCURSOR to transform a numeric cursor to a cursor variable in combination with batched bulk fetch.

If, on the other hand, the SELECT-list is unknown at compile time, use DBMS_SQL to fetch the result set. In the special case where the bind variables are all known at compile time, use NDS to open a cursor variable and use DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER to transform it to a numeric cursor before fetching the results with DBMS_SQL.

Identifier Recycling

Identifiers (i.e. variables) must not be used for more than one purpose in the same code fragment and/or in different scopes of the same entity. The same applies to custom exceptions too: an exception defines exactly one type of exceptional situation.

Oracle’s NO_DATA_FOUND exception is not one that should be emulated, as it is used for more than one of exception:

The NULL Statement

The NULL statement may be added to improve the legibility of a particular code fragment:

IF l_employee_salary <= g_max_salary
  l_employee_salary := l_employee_salary + l_department_bonus;
  NULL; -- do nothing

Spaghetti Code

Loops should have exactly one entry and one exit point. FOR and WHILE loops may not contain EXIT [ WHEN ] statements.

More importantly, the GOTO statement will not be used in PL/SQL. Similarly, RETURN may not be specified inside a loop; the RETURN statement should be a function’s last statement before the exception section.

The End

Always add END [ module_name ]; statements to all packages, procedures, functions, and the like. Do not leave it to a fellow programmer to figure out where a module ends.


All exception handling is managed by a single utility, the errors package. Custom exceptions and custom names for built-in exceptions are defined in the package specification. No entity may contain definitions for exceptions or call DBMS_OUTPUT (or similar packages) to display error codes and messages.