Introducing Zoose 2.0

Zoose 2.0 introduces many improvements and Zoose now also includes common quantum computing libraries!

Many packages have been upgraded, and Zoose itself has been split into different images, or flavours. Instead of a single Dockerfile with all dependencies included, the setup relies on docker-compose with a base image that only includes the Python packages (incl. BigQuery) and JupyterLab extensions.

Neo4j and R have been moved to separate images. After all, why include R when all you really need is a basic Python-based Zoose experience? And why include Neo4j when R does not have a native way of interacting with it at all anyway?

Zoose Quantum

There is now also a zoose-quantum image with the latest versions of Braket, Cirq, OpenFermion, Pennylane (incl. plugins), pytket, Qiskit, QuTiP, and Strawberry Fields for Python quantum enthusiasts. That way, you do not have to install anything and you get a great JupyterLab experience with auto-completion out of the box. The automatic pop-ups with function signatures and help texts are particularly useful to beginners.

How can you experiment with Zoose Quantum? From your own notebooks folder, run:

docker run --pull always --rm -it \
  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) \
  -v $(pwd)/.qiskit:/root/.qiskit \
  -p 8888:8888 \

This grabs the latest available version of Zoose Quantum. If instead you prefer a fixed version to avoid potential version incompatibilities among notebooks, just navigate to Docker Hub and choose the tag you want instead. Just make sure you remove --pull always from the command.

The line with .qiskit is only need if you intend to work with the IBM Quantum Experience. It persists your account credentials locally, so that you can use IBMQ.load_account() from your notebooks without having to type in the API token every time. You do have to save your credentials with IBMQ.save_account(API_TOKEN) once. You can find your API token in the account settings:

IBMQ API token
IBMQ API token

If you store your API token locally, please make sure you add .qiskit to gitignore to avoid inadvertently leaking your personal token publicly.

Please check out the GitHub repo for up-to-date information and more details.