Zoose on GitHub Codespaces

Spin up Zoose in VSCode with only two clicks.

Zoose is an open-source Docker image with different flavours for machine learning, graph analytics, and quantum computing. Each flavour comes with many common Python packages pre-installed. With GitHub Codespaces, Zoose offers an installation-free developer experience. You can run an IDE or Jupyter notebook in VSCode inside your browser with only two clicks.

Go to Zoose Codespace and use the template to create a repository based on it. In that repository, click on Code, and Create codespace on master:

Create a codespace
Create a codespace

Now you can have fun inside VSCode with Qiskit…

Zoose Quantum in action with Qiskit
Zoose Quantum in action with Qiskit

Or Braket, Cirq, Pennylane, pytket, QuTiP, or even PyTorch. Just check the Zoose Codespace repository for details.

And if you prefer Gitpod to GitHub Codespaces for hosted development environments, there is always Zoose for Gitpod.